
How to send money transfers online or from any post office with MoneyGramTM

Money transfers sent directly to a bank account will show up automatically for the recipient while money sent for cash pick-up can be collected at a MoneyGram location. If the transfer is being picked up in cash, contact the person you are sending money to and give them your MoneyGram reference number. There are a few different ways to send funds:

Send money from the post office

    1. Get an estimate for the cost of the money transfer using the MoneyGram cost estimator. This fee is based on the amount you are sending and the destination of the funds.
    2. Go to your closest post office to buy a MoneyGram. Here’s what to bring with you to the post office:
      • Cash or debit to pay for the transfer.
      • Government-issued photo identification, such as a passport or driver’s licence.
      • Proof of your address. This can be your driver’s licence or addressed mail.

Note: you can’t buy a MoneyGram with a credit card at the post office.

Start your transaction online and pay at the post office

  1. Save time at the post office by filling out information about the transfer online ahead of time.
  2. Present the barcode at the post office either as a print out or on your mobile device.
  3. Pay for the transfer with cash or by debit card.

Send money transfers online

  1. Go to MoneyGram.
  2. Fill out information about the recipient, the amount being sent and select how they will be receiving the funds.
  3. Pay for the transfer and the transaction fee with a debit card.

Note: Make sure that the recipient’s name on the form is exactly the same as the name on the recipient’s ID. For example, John D. Smith is not the same as John David Smith.