
How do I pick up a MoneyGramTM money transfer?

MoneyGram electronic money transfers sent directly to your bank account will show up automatically in your account. To collect a money transfer in-person go to any post office in Canada. You can receive up to $500 in cash, provided that funds are available at the post office. Otherwise, you can be issued your payment by e-transfer or by Canada Post money order.

How to receive money at a post office

  1. Ask the person sending you money for their MoneyGram reference number.
  2. Visit your closest post office to pick up your money. Bring along your reference number and government-issued identification (such as a driver’s licence or passport). The name on your identification must be exactly the same as the name the sender indicated on the MoneyGram form.
  3. Once you have provided your identification and a signature, you will receive your MoneyGram by cash (up to $500 depending on available funds), e-transfer, Canada Post money order or a combination of payment methods.