
Find vendors that can help create your Postal Code Targeting campaign

There are a number of vendors who currently offer products and services that support the quick and accurate delivery of mail, such as Address Accuracy and Presort software. Some of these vendors also have recognized Postal Code Targeting (PCT) software and/or services that can help you feel confident that your campaign will be created according to our mailing requirements.

Why does it help to work with a vendor?

Working with a recognized vendor means that:

  • You tap into years of existing mailing experience
  • Your data is accurate because it’s grounded in Canada Post data
  • You get the guidance and support needed to make your campaign a success

How do I know that a vendor is recognized?

We have a Software Evaluation and Recognition Program (SERP) that evaluates vendors’ Postal Code Targeting software and/or services based on their ability to process a batch of postal codes.

The software and/or service must be able to:

  • identify each household within a postal code,
  • layer on additional targeting criteria (i.e.: targeting homes vs. businesses),
  • suppress customer addresses, and
  • include seed addresses.

SERP vendors must also be able to produce a Postal Code Summary Report, showing the postal codes in the PCT mail file and the number of houses, apartments, businesses and farms associated with each postal code after suppressions are applied, if applicable. The Postal Code Summary Report can be used for post-campaign analyses and to determine the success of your campaign.

Once a software and/or service vendor passes our evaluation, they license our address data for use within their software.

View recognized PCT software and service providers.

Recognized PCT Software and Service Providers – 2023

Software Name Platforms Company Contact Service Bureau

PCT module


Flagship Software Ltd.

Kristi Kanitz
(416) 410-6357
(866) 672-0007


Postal Code Targeting
Data Preparation


(800) 454-0223


Version 1.0


JSI Data Systems Ltd.



Canada Post recognizes Postal Code Targeting (PCT) software and services on this list. These packages were evaluated by the Software Evaluation and Recognition Program (SERP) using the criteria established by Canada Post as of May 2018. They will be considered valid until June 2024. Canada Post makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Postal Code Targeting (PCT) software on this list, including but limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The program does not evaluate any subjective criteria such as speed of operation, user friendliness or customer support. This List of Recognized Software details the software packages that have met or exceeded the requirements of SERP. PCT Software must properly create the output of addresses needed to mail PCT campaigns, with a match rate of 95% or greater. Software evaluation is limited to specific testing which evaluates the software’s ability to identify or produce accurate address information but not involve any testing or evaluation of any of the additional features or functions that a developer may have incorporated into its software.

The platform information shown on this List of Recognized Software has been supplied by the licensors. The platform information has not been verified by Canada Post. The names of the software packages shown on this List of Recognized Software have been supplied by the licensors. The fact that a software package has been listed in the List of Recognized Software shall not be deemed to be an admission on the part of Canada Post respecting the validity or the registerability, as a trademark, of the name given to that software package by the licensor.
