September 24, 2018
Posted in News Releases
Canada Post Community Foundation for Children grants $1.2 million
Funding supports 112 groups committed to children's health and well-being
September 24, 2018
Posted in News Releases

OTTAWA – Canada Post today announced the names of the 2018 grant recipients of the Canada Post Community Foundation for Children. The Foundation gave a total of $1.2 million to 112 groups from all provinces and territories.
The Foundation exists to improve the lives of Canadian children by supporting organizations devoted to their health and well-being. It raises funds through an annual in-store donation campaign and special stamp release, as well as a year-round employee payroll donation program and local fundraisers. All money is donated to organizations in the province or territory where it was raised.
Since 2012, the Foundation has awarded in excess of $7 million to more than 660 projects, including crisis lines, anti-bullying initiatives and breakfast and literacy programs.
Among the organizations provided assistance this year were:
- Mentoring Juniors Kids Organization – $15,600 to provide pedestrian escorts to Toronto school children participating in free fitness programs at a nearby fitness centre.
- Cerebral Palsy Kids and Families – $20,000 to the Adapted Bike Program in Calgary will pay to outfit children with disabilities with modified bicycles they can operate.
- Patro de Lévis – $7,500 to support an education project designed to address the drop-out rate among children, through homework help and class workshops.
- St Andrews Arts Council – $2,500 to purchase xylophones for an elementary school's music program in St. Andrews, New Brunswick
About the Foundation
The Canada Post Community Foundation for Children aims to ensure that every child in Canada is happy, healthy and part of a community that supports and cares for them. Its mission is to have a positive effect on the lives of children in the communities Canada Post serves.
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