September 28, 2015
Posted in News Releases
New stamp offers Canadians a way to help improve the lives of children
Canada Post Community Foundation for Children campaign kicks off
September 28, 2015
Posted in News Releases

Canada Post Community Foundation for Children campaign kicks off
Toronto (Ont) – Canada Post today unveiled its new Community Foundation stamp, officially kicking off the annual month-long fundraising campaign to help improve the lives of children and youth. The image on the stamp is an illustration by renowned Quebec artist Marie-Eve Tremblay. With every purchase of this stamp booklet, $1 goes directly to the Canada Post Community Foundation, which funds organizations across Canada that are devoted to helping children and young people in their communities. The campaign runs from September 28 to October 31, and customers can buy the stamps online or in-store at a Canada Post outlet.
Fundraising efforts from last year’s campaign raised a total of $1.2 million. These funds have been awarded to grassroots, provincial and national charities that successfully applied this year to receive a Community Foundation grant. A wide range of initiatives are being supported, from early literacy, recreation and breakfast programs, to camps for children living with serious illnesses, crisis lines and mental health clinics.
“Along with our employee fundraising activities and in-store campaigns, the Community Foundation stamp plays an essential role in our ability to help children in need. We look forward to supporting and strengthening the organizations in Canadian communities that are committed to making the lives of children and youth better,” says Deepak Chopra, President and CEO at Canada Post.
This year’s stamp celebrates imagination and the power of storytelling. It features two children sheltered under a sheet that forms an imaginary fort. One child reads to a younger child who is holding a teddy bear. The image reflects a love of reading, and reinforces the overall value of imagination and pretending in the lives of children.
About the stamp
Designed by Lionel Gadoury of Context Creative and illustrated by Marie-Eve Tremblay, the stamp measures 24 mm x 36 mm and has simulated perforation. This semi-postal stamp has a 10-cent surcharge, with funds going directly to the work of the Canada Post Community Foundation for Children. The stamp is printed by Lowe-Martin on Tullis Russell paper using five-colour lithography. The stamp is pressure sensitive and the Official First Day Cover will be cancelled in Ottawa, ON. The stamp is available in booklets of 10. To purchase philatelic products, please visit
About the Foundation
The Canada Post Community Foundation ( aims to ensure that every child in Canada is happy, healthy and part of a community that supports and cares for them. Its mission is to have a positive effect in the lives of children in the communities Canada Post serves by supporting registered charities, school programs or local initiatives that benefit children. To date, the Canada Post Community Foundation has granted more than $4 million to more than 300 community organizations across Canada in support of Canadian children and youth.
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